My First (Almost Completed) Story

For years, I've talked about writing and expressed great hopes that I would finish (and publish) something one of these days. Now such a dream is on the brink of coming true. Tonight, I completed my first story that I plan to put in the public's eye. It's about my Beowulf, and it's called The Wolf at the Door. It started out as a short story. Then I found I had a lot more to say, so now it's a novella, just a little shy of 20,000 words. It's about a young girl named Mavie, about 11 years old, who runs away from home after a bad fight with her family. Naturally, she regrets this almost right away, and now she's all alone, hopelessly lost, and scared to death. Beowulf finds her (or she finds him ) and helps her get home in one piece. Not a terribly complex story, but I believe this will be a great way to introduce Beowulf as well as put my writing chops to the real test. Of course, there's still a lot of proofreading and editing to do, and th...